Monday, September 10, 2007

What am I learning and feeling about what we are learning in this class?

I feel this class will be extremely helpful in my success as a good teacher. Innovating as many different methods into the classroom as possible will only help to meet the needs of all types of learners. I have found the topics we have learned so far in this course are very helpful. I felt as if I was very familiar with Microsoft Word, however, it was great to learn the multiple things that I can do to use word and stay organized in the classroom. I have also found that the course wiki is a great way for the class to interact with one another and helps bring the classroom to the students' home. I think the course wiki is a great tool to use and I feel like I may be able to also integrate it into my classroom someday. My eyes have been open to several methods of teaching that could involve technology, rather than simply lecturing to students. For example, when making the slideshows, I chose to create one on the popular novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. Since this novel is such a popular piece in the high school setting, I thought it would be neat to create a slideshow displaying the characters, setting, and other parts of the story. This would be a great way to allow the students to connect to the story, rather than hearing a teacher simply discuss the novel. I have bean able to learn a lot about integrating technology in various ways, and found the importance of creating a good learning environment for students. I believe this class will be extremely beneficial in the future, and I am eager to learn more about various types of technology that I am currently unfamiliar with.


Judy Lambert said...


You make me excited just to listen to you! Thanks for such encouragement that you are learning so much. I hope you really will have a million ideas for what you can do in the classroom with technology by the time you complete this class. Technology tools today are getting much more user-friendly and exciting so I want students to see their value to enhance learning.

I so wanted to see your slide show!!! Please get it posted on this blog and email me to let me know when it is up so I can see it, sounds great!

Dr. L

Judy Lambert said...

btw, I read about your bed in the Independent Collegian this morning...hope your bed is fixed by now!